You'll find that we offer the best rates around, but don't let our prices fool you. We have the knowledge, tools, and passion to help local musicians make professional sounding recordings. But don't just take our word for it, check out songs from our "Clients" section to get a sample of what we can do.
If you're recording an EP (5 songs) or full length album (minimum 10 songs) ask us about a package deal.
All rates below include an engineer.

$45 per hour (2 hour minimum)
**Call or email for details**
Don't let our low price fool you, You're going to get a lot more than you pay for. We know exactly what it takes to get that perfect sound and capture the music that you hear in your head. Come set up in our fully equipped Pro Tools studio, tune up, and start creating, we'll do the rest.

$45 per hour
**Call or email for details***
If you've recorded with us or at another studio, we can take your tracks and give them that perfect balance so that every instrument and vocal sit just right in the mix. We use our years of experience and vast music knowledge to make sure your song, matches the sound you hear in your head.

$50 per song (flat rate)
Ask about our EP & LP deals.
Even though "radio" may be an old medium, getting songs to sound like 'radio ready' hits is something that every artist today, strives to achieve. You've done all the writing and recording, now it's time to apply that important last step so that your song has the punch and professional 'shine' to make listeners take notice.

Call or email for a quote
From drum programming to helping tweak your composition, to finding you the right musicians to help make your ideas come to life, we offer an array of services to get your idea from your head into the world. Call or email us and ask about our services and we'll provide a quote in a few short hours.